Christ Indeed Is The Only Way

on Friday, September 28, 2007

Since Christ is indeed the only way, then all other ways are wrong and headed for hell. With that being said, those who are convinced that Jesus is the only way will be those who are most fervent about evangelism. Those who are soft when it comes to evangelism are typically those who are not nearly as convinced that Jesus is the only road. I know this is a hard saying, nevertheless it is true. If we really believed in hell, we wouldn’t want anyone to go there. There is an old adage that says “the road to hell is pave with good intentions.” You can take it from there and fill in the blanks.

Saturday a man was killed on 95. He knocked of his motorcycle and survived. When he got up he was disoriented and wandered into the street and a another car hit him. He still was not dead. He got hit a third time and then he died.

My friend that is a pastor talked to this man that morning, told him about Jesus and invited him to church. The guy said maybe one day but he was not ready then. The pastor then asked could he pray with him and the guy said he didn’t have time. He needed to get going. Later on that evening he was killed.

God in His mercy, sent someone to witness to that young man the day he died. No one knows what happened after he left. Maybe he had a talk with Jesus. I pray that he did. The Fathers’ wish is that none would be lost but have everlasting life.

The road to eternal life is a narrow road that most reject, but it is a road that Christians had better stand firm upon and one to which we must call others to travel. As 1 John 5:12 says, “He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life.” Jesus is very plain when it comes to who is in and who is out. Those who receive Him as God, Savior, and Lord are in, and those who reject Him are out. We should also note that “life” is singular. It is not “a life” but “the life,” and the answer is not “a Son” but “the Son.” Clearly, the teaching of Scripture is undeniably that Jesus is the only way.

Should this surprise us? It ought not to, seeing that Jesus is the only individual to ever walk this earth and not sin. He also is the only Person ever to die and rise again of His own power. All other founders of religions such as Budha, Mohammed, Joseph Smith, and Confucius, for example, are dead in their graves. Christians do not travel to a gravesite to pay homage because our Savior is not there, for He is risen.

The Thing that gets me is, most if not all world religions deny Jesus as being God. Some say that He is a son of God, but only Christianity believes that He is God. Some say that He was just a great teacher, a prophet, or some deluded lunatic. Yet how great was He if He was deluded about His own identity, thinking He was God when He really wasn’t, as they claim? And how can He be crazy if all of His claims came true?

It is obvious that the evidence points to the fact that Jesus was indeed Who He said He was- which is God. Christianity is the only “religion” based upon God drawing near to man rather than man working to come near to God. Religion by definition is, more or less, a working to be holy or to please a deity. This is why Christianity is more than mere religion. Christianity is a relationship regained between man and God because of the love of God in sending His own Son to die for our sins.

In reality it is not a stretch to say that Jesus is the only way. He is far different and very unique when compared with other religious figures. He performed miracles, He cast out demons, He gave up His life for those who rejected Him, and He conquered death, rising from the grave. Who else is like Him? It only makes sense that He is unique among the various paths of spirituality. No man comes to the Father but through Him and by Him. He is the door (John 10:9), the only point of entry to heaven.

What do we do if we don’t like this truth? Just like the guy I wrote about that was a Christian and turned to new age, He didn’t like this truth. We don’t have a choice because it is the truth. It is tough to come to the realization that so many are going to hell because they reject Jesus, but Jesus Himself said that the way to destruction is wide and that many go that way (Matthew 7:13). The answer is not to rewrite what Jesus said or to say that there must be other ways. The answer is prayer, brokenness over the state of sinners, and a bold and loving evangelism.

God wants none to perish, and He is merciful, giving us time to evangelize. Yet Christians must first be firm in our belief of the exclusivity of the Truth of Jesus so that we can then evangelize with the fervor that the first Christians had. Most of them had either witnessed the events of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, or knew someone who had. They knew He was God and that none could compare; thus, they had a bold and unstoppable will to evangelize. We need the fervor, conviction, and commitment that the first Christians had, and it starts with a firmness in our belief that Jesus is the only way to heaven.

Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection didn’t happen behind closed doors. It was for all the world to see, which was fitting, since He died for the sins of the whole world. Jesus is the only path to God, but He is also willing to accept all people, unlike many other religions which discriminate or only allow a certain number to attain to the next life. He doesn’t discriminate based upon age, wealth, class, status, gender, education, race, or any other means. He wants everybody, and all will be received if they receive Him.

Christianity, though it is exclusive when it comes to the means of salvation, is the most open of all religions in that it invites all people to be saved. If we want to see fewer people go to hell and more people go to heaven, then we need to take them to the only road that can get them there- Jesus Christ. Other gods may reject them, and other religions might exclude them. But Jesus, because of His great love for all, promises that He won’t turn them away. May we direct people to the only Door that leads to life.

2007 Candace House, All Rights reserved.