I Read A Stupid Blog About Redistribution of Wealth

on Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The title of the blog was Trick or Treat - Redistribution. It went on to say how under Obama's legislation hard working Americans were going to pay into a welfare system for ungrateful and non working people.

My answer to this blog is below;

This country has been redistributing wealth under the Republican rule. Anyone with their own lucrative business understands this perfectly. As a business owner I know that my taxes will only increase by 3% under Obama’s rule but I also have tax credits that are given to me to offshore the 3.% hike. As an individual that makes more than $250,000 a years the taxed I pay are not going to hurt me because I can write off my expenses for my business. And even if I didn’t have a business 3% is not a lot folks.

For anyone to think that Obama is talking about a welfare system really has no concept of what he proposes ..All you have heard is sound bites and rhetoric from both the Republican candidates running for office and those that would love to see him elected.

This is not a welfare system where those that do not work get paid! He has said over and over again that you have to pay taxes. How do you do this? I think by working! Duh! If you don’t understand that then you really need to educate yourself further instead of reading and hearing what someone else says and running with it. Education is the key to ignorance. Everyone has an agenda and trust me those with money want to keep theirs and yours too!

To say that Democrats want to redistribute the wealth from the wealthy to the poor is not just the biggest load of bull, but it's one of the few things I would label as a "dangerous" idea.

The fact is, that under Republican administrations, and the piss-poor job Republicans have done with governing, we have already had redistribution of wealth. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that we've had a re-institution of slavery via indentured servitude.

Through Republicans' corporate-sponsored tax legislation, you have folks who don't work for a living paying a much lower tax rate than you do. You have large corporations sucking on the government's no-bid contract teat for contract after contract. You have government bought and paid for by corporate lobbyists.

Still don't believe me?

Ask your electric company. You've redistributed your wealth to them, thanks to Republican deregulation.

Ask your mortgage company. Thanks to Republican regulators asleep at the wheel, they raked it in with bait-and-switch and predatory lending tactics, lending on liar loans, and qualifying lenders on teaser rates. Thanks to Republican borrow-and-blow fiscal policy, rates went up, the housing market went down, and you and I just bought Fannie and Freddie back - completing the cycle of privatized profits and socialized risk.

Ask the petroleum companies. I don't even have to tell you that you've redistributed your wealth to them. You can thank Republican-instituted instability in the Middle East for that. You're about to redistribute even more of your wealth to them when your government lets them drill in our territory without paying full market lease rates and royalties. They want a subsidy from you and me, so they can keep selling oil into the world market at market rates. Drill, baby, drill - indeed.

Ask the foreign companies that your state is trying to sell all of your highways to. Every time you pay toll, you're redistributing your wealth to them.

Ask your cell phone company. Thanks to Republican lack of regulation, they provide crappy service at top rates. They rip you off, and you can't take them to court. You switch providers, and they'll hit you with an "early termination fee".

Ask big agribusiness. Now you get to pay them when you fill up at the pump. Your tax dollars pay them again through ethanol subsidies. Your wealth is transferred yet again when you pay twice what you did just a couple of years ago for your pesticide-laden, or hormone-pumped food.

Ask your employer, who by-and-large has not raised your pay enough to keep up with inflation.

Ask big pharma, to whom you have transferred more of your wealth in double-digit drug price inflation each year.

Ask the health insurers, if you're lucky enough to be able to dump $1200 a month of your income to them for family coverage. You've been transferring your wealth to them more and more.


Folks, I've said this before, and I'll say it again. If you earn less than $250,000 a year, you can't afford a down payment on that line of Republican bull. You can't afford to put that bull on layaway.

Redistribution of wealth is what the Republican party is all about. Redistribution of your wealth to those who already have wealth.

The first two steps to fixing any problem?

1. Realize there is a problem. John McCain has shown with his "fundamentals are strong" comment, that he is just out of touch.

2. Stop contributing to the problem. Elect Democrats to restore a fair and progressive tax code, and enact legislation that rewards the American worker who works hard and does the right thing.

When the economy and tax policy reward hard work and innovation, we will have less economic disparity.


© Candace House 2007, All Rights reserved.


Robyn said...

SO true!

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