Struggling To Breathe

on Monday, August 20, 2007

For the last 3 years I have been having difficulty breathing. I suffer from asthma attacks at least once a year. So of course what have been running through my mind are breath, breathing, and the ability to breathe.

Not only a person suffering from asthma has a hard time catching their breath, there are other things that make it hard to breathe from time to time. I'm sure you can all relate. Maybe some one you are in conflict with walks through the door and it causes you to catch your breath. Or a sense of foreboding comes over you as you anticipate something awful or unpleasant happening, and there is tightness in your breathing and in your voice. Or you fear the unknown, you fear the worst, and suddenly breathing becomes a bit more difficult. Or you feel guilty, you have regret, and it weighs heavily on your chest. Or we feel overwhelmed by everything that is going on in our lives and we have a mild case of hyperventilation.

All of our stress and anxiety and fear seem to locate particularly in our chest, and we say, "I can't quite catch my breath." On the other hand, when we feel a sense of well being and wholeness, we say, "We breathe more easily and deeply." There's both a physical and spiritual dimension to breath and our breathing.

It's important for us to realize that when the scripture speaks of the Spirit, and especially as we ponder the coming of the Spirit of God to people, we're talking about the breath of God. The Ruach of Yahweh. which is both Spirit and Breath.

Genesis 2 declares that all creatures have life from God. To be alive is to have a relationship with God. To be able to breathe is to be sharing the very breath of God. All living beings share, in some sense, in God's Spirit. Yahweh has come to give us Chayah which is life and means to live, let live, restore, revive, make alive, renew, God saves.

I watch my grand baby and see how deeply she breathes from the diaphragm when she sleeps. She is taking in such deep breaths and expelling with the same energy.Have you ever noticed how freely little kids breathe and laugh and live? But as we grow older life happens to us, and over time our ability to breathe get shallower. Fears, anxieties, guilt, regrets and disappointments settle on our chest and weigh us down.Our ability to live the Abundant Life is compromised because of shallow breathing.

What is it that is causing tightness in your chest these days? What is it that is causing you to breathe a little more shallowly? What is it that weighs so heavily on your chest that is stopping you from living life to the fullest?

Can you let it go for a minute and breathe, breathe in the RUACH(Breath/Spirit)of God.

Yahweh is as close to you as your next breath. And just as we share the air he provides daily, so we share the Spirit of God. He is ever as close as our next breath.

Are we so caught up in our day to day struggles that we forget, to breathe, to receive the breath of God, the Spirit of God?

Have you ever seen a little child get lost from their parents? They can't catch their breath to tell you the names of their parents because they are struggling to catch their breath. Their little chest is heaving up and down and they are hiccuping not able to articulate helpful information. You have to first calm the Child's fears by telling them they are not alone and together you will find their parents. Once the child is calm they are able to share the information you need to help them.

That is the same thing the Father wants to do for us. He has sent His Breath to calm us and to point the way to Him and to say all is not lost. "I will never leave or forsake you for Lo I am always with you always, even to the ends of the earth."

Cast aside all of your fears, your anxiety, your hurts, your disappointments, your guilt, your mistake, your sins, your feelings of inadequacy and your need to succeed. Lay them at the Masters feet, and leave them there

"Now Breathe in The Ruach of Yahweh"
2007 Candace House, All Rights reserved. Email for permission to use.

Can You Bless Me Please?

One of the things we do not do that is vital to our well being and the well being of others is to speak blessings over other's lives. We are to Bless and not Curse. We Curse our own lives and the lives of those we come in contact with by the words of our mouths. On the other hand we also Bless others and our selves with same mouth.

A lot of us are not aware that we are doing so, becuse we take words so lightly. Anything you say that is negative ends up being a curse. We need to be deligent to watch what we say.

The Power of Words: Guard Yours! The New Testament is rich with examples of Jesus speaking with power?and things changing because of His words. Then He gives us a stunning bit of information about our words:

Matt 12:36-37 "But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."

Jesus is making the point that words are so much more powerful that we have ever realized. They are a power source that has almost been overlooked.

I read where Neuroscience is beginning to come up with explanations of why this is true! As we look at this, you and I, we start waking! What you and I have been saying is actually shaping our worlds.

We are given the opportunity and privilege to speak out words of power and life in the Spirit of Prayer?. To speak out words that originated in the heart of God and carry his life-force in them. To speak light into the darkness, to speak order in the chaos.

Ps 33:6 By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made and all their host by the breath of his mouth. (Ampl)

Heb 11:3 By faith we understand that the worlds [during the successive ages] were framed (fashioned, put in order, and equipped for their intended purpose) by the Word of God so that what we see was not made out of things which are visible. (Ampl)

We have the opportunity, as God did in the beginning. The world awaits our stepping up to the plate. Therefore my brothers and sisters I thank my God for this opportunity to bless you;
Dear One, listen with your spirit to Colossians 1:12-13 "?giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of Light. For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves?"

I bless you with sharing in and with a family of faith who lives in the light. I bless your spirits with being flooded with light so that you can understand the wonderful future He has promised you.

I bless you with knowing your dominion over all the power of darkness. I bless you with the eyes of your heart being enlightened to know your Father's incredibly great power for you, the same working of His mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms.

I bless you with knowing with certainty that He is far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given in this present age. Dear friends, you are blessed that God has put all things under the authority of Christ and appointed Him to be head over everything for the church., which is His body. You are blessed in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, Yeshua Ha Machiah, who fills everything everywhere with His presence. Amen.
2007 Candace House, All Rights reserved. Email for permission to use.

Sleeping In Peace

This morning I was looking at a movie on lifetime. The girl in the movie was having nightmares. Circumstances dictated she had a good reason to be afraid. Someone was stalking her. Fear had completely taken over her life and the life of her family members. It affected every area of their lives.

I thought about David in the scriptures being stalked by King Saul. Saul was trying to kill him as well. In the movie the girl was depending on the court system to protect her and they were failing miserably. However David called out to God and knew where his help came from. His sole trust was in Him.

For those that are troubled for whatever reason and are vexed in your spirit, try doing what David did. Give God a try and He will give you peace that passeth all understanding. What is this kind of peace? It is peace that comes from knowing YOU don't have to take care of the situation. It is already taken care of by Him. So no matter what it looks like, you know that HE is in control.

Psalms 4:8 " I will lay down in peace and sleep; For you alone, O Lord, make me to dwell in safety."

Dear Ones, you are under the protection of God who can do the impossible. I bless you with peace that comes from God who created light in great darkness, who brings light into the very shadow of death.

I bless you with knowing that God makes peace regardless of your circumstances. I bless you with knowing you can walk in the light because God decrees that the light of His presence shines in darkness.

I bless each of you my friends, with not being dependent on circumstances in your world, but receiving from your Father the peace that He offers in your life, no matter how dark it is around you. I bless you with peace that can only come because the Prince of Peace rules you.

I bless you with an anointing for taking the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ to those who do not know it, as an overflow of your life. When you walk in this peace, the peace of those around you will increase, although they carry turmoil.

I bless you with being known as someone who carries the peace of God with you everywhere you go, so that people will seek you out because they are so desperate for the Shalom of God.
2007 Candace House, All Rights reserved. Email for permission to use.