I am so sick and tired of hearing about Michael Vick abuse of animals. It is really starting to get to me. The news media is in a frenzy concerning him and this dog fighting issue. Why everyone has their panties in a wad over this is beyond me. Just slap him with a hefty fine and move on.
Today they announced that Vick, according to CNN made apologies and pleaded guilty. That is good however that does not warrant the stiff sentence they are trying to give him for dog’s lives. Give me a break!
According to the Washington Post, U.S. Attorney Chuck Rosenberg said in a statement this morning that federal sentencing guidelines had appeared to call for a prison term of up to six months and that a first-time offender like Vick normally might not have received any jail time.
But because Vick's conduct was so "heinous, cruel and inhumane,'' Rosenberg said, prosecutors insisted that the sentencing range be adjusted upward to 12-18 months, and Vick's attorneys agreed. "It is highly unusual for a defendant to agree to recommend a sentence above the advisory guideline range,'' Rosenberg said.
But because Vick's conduct was so "heinous, cruel and inhumane,'' Rosenberg said, prosecutors insisted that the sentencing range be adjusted upward to 12-18 months, and Vick's attorneys agreed. "It is highly unusual for a defendant to agree to recommend a sentence above the advisory guideline range,'' Rosenberg said.
How crazy is this? The world is so concerned about a dog’s right to life and human treatment but not concerned with human life. Animal Rights Activist would love to see this man go to jail for 5 or more years if they had their way. But these same people wouldn’t go to bat for babies with no voice.
Michael says it is time for him to grow up and he is concerned about his image to young people. All of that is commendable. But now that he has “found Jesus”, instead of going on the “save our animals circuit” he needs to turn his attention to the save our babies circuit.
This country has its priorities backward. It is a travesty! Why isn’t the media showing clips from partial birth abortion videos over and over again? No instead we had to watch the same clip of these same dogs fighting 50 thousand times!
Here is a quote from a partial birth abortion website.
“During the first year after the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act was introduced in mid-1995, many opponents of the bill, such as NARAL's Kate Michelman and syndicated columnist Ellen Goodman, insisted that anesthesia given to the mother painlessly kills the babies before they are pulled feet-first from the womb and stabbed through the back of the skull. But in congressional testimony in 1996 -- virtually ignored by the news media -- this myth was emphatically refuted by the heads of the two major professional societies of anesthesiologists. Other experts testified that the babies are alive and fully capable of experiencing great pain during a partial-birth abortion. To learn more about the pain that partial-birth abortion inflicts on pre-mature human babies, and about the "anesthesia myth,"
With just this little bit of information about this horrible procedure to you see why I can care less about dogs fighting. Human life is much more valuable than that of animals. Where is the outcry of the media over this issue?
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