Speaking of Sarah Palin and John McCain

on Monday, September 22, 2008

Okay I said I was not going to say anything concerning the Sarah Palin/John McCain Issue but I have to. Let me digress a bit.

I tried to hold my piece and (not peace) and let the Lord fight this battle. LOL! Unfortunatly I have not been able to live up to this promise I made to myself. I am one that voices an OPINION, for whatever it is worth on a number of subjects concerning news worthy events. However on this I have stayed fairly silent. I know what the Lord showed me 4 yrs ago concerning this country and have been holding onto that.

What gets my goat is all of the Evangelical Christians that have not grabed a hold of tongue talking Sarah Palin and forced her to tell the TRUTH! If you are a so called Born Again Christian then your life should not be one of of continual lies! If caught in said lies then at least fess up to them. Her Lies and John McCain's have been pointed out over and over again and brought to the for-front however they STILL keep lying! I was a Repubilcan. However NO More with them on the ticket! To borrow from another's comments in regards to the JamaL Bryant video "America, we have had 8 years to legislate on "moral" issues and all that came of this Republican term was 9/11, an unnecessary war, Bin Laden running free (even if he is dead, he died on his own terms), higher gas prices, poor economy, GAY MARRIAGE ALLOWED IN STATES when there were none, abortion still is around. "

After sitting back and watching this farce, this is one of those times when I will speak through the voice of someone else and voice my opinion. Pastor Jamal Bryant speaks to the heart of the matter concerning what America looks like in the video below. George Cloony also has a blog that he wrote titled White Priveledge. http://dallaspenn.com/weblog/?p=2845 . Check It Out! And Decide For Yourself And Tell Me What You Think!

Jamal Bryant Speaks on Sarah Palin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al_y3g77ZsA

Christians need to take responsibility for how this country is run and not depend on the Government to decide moral issues. If we as Christinas get OUR lives in order for the World to see instead of looking like the world then we can make a difference. REPENT first and then Pray for our Government! Don't just pray and vote for whatever party that you decide is the lesser of 2 evils. REPENT for the atrocities that are allowed to go on in the NAME of Government. The war and genocides that are allowed to take place overseas all point back to America! This is from former Sec of States.

The Chickens truly have come home to roost. While on the homefront we wave our banner of moral issues concerning abortion and gay marriages which are not going away, We the Church are having as many abortions as the WORLD. We the Church have as many gays as the WORLD and a lot of them in the Pulpit!

What we need is CHANGE ALL THE WAY AROUND. I would rather vote for someone that is upfront about where they stand instead of talking out of both sides of their mouth. Abortions and Homosexuality are here to stay until the CHURCH CHANGES itself! It is time out to stop hiding behind government and take responsibility for our part in this.

I personally will vote for the person with the best plan for our economy. The moral issues need to be left up to the individuals and God. Seeing as how both sins that the Republican party ride their ticket on have been around since the begining of time I believe that the Lord when HE is ready will take care of this issue.


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