TODAY I CRIED! Wednesday, November 5, 2008 - 7:22 PM
I cried today. All day! Last night and into today. Those that I have talked to cried all day too.I imagine we will continue to cry for days to come. Barack Obama being elected president was something that No one my age or older could concieve of happening in our life time. Maybe our childrens.
I talked with family members and friends and no one was left unmoved. What a Beautiful Day to wake up to! Do we treat him as a God or the Messiah as some have suggested we are doing because of our emotional responce? No! How dare they try and take anything away from THIS day!
He is just a man! One that inspired hope to people who were loosing hope. People of every color that were tired of the old status quo are the ones that said "Enough is Enough!"
Yes He is African American and the occasion is uncomparable! We "Expected the Unexpected" and it delivered! So today and last night I Cried!
I obtained permission to post a blog that a young girl name Isly wrote that contains the feelings of so many African Americans.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
? Today I Cried...
Let me preface this blog... by saying... this is something that I handwrote while I cried. It's not for you, it's not for your judgement, it's not for your comments. *However, you are welcome to comment if you would like.* It's personal. It is for me. I merged two blogs into this one...
I cried today. I cried for Barack Obama. I cried for grandmothers and grandfathers. I cried for myself. I cried for Black people or African Americans. I cried for history. Today I sat on the couch and I cried. And I didn't fully understand why the tears began or where they came from... but as they shed, it was revealed to me.
I cried for Barack Obama because I understand the loss of a grandmother. My grandmother passed away in 2004 and to this day, I miss her very much. As he stood at the podium and paid homage to his own grandmother... "She was the cornerstone of our family and a woman of extraordinary accomplishment, strength, and humility... a quiet hero"... I couldn't contain the tears that flowed at the memory of my own.
My grandmother was a servant of many, a homemaker, a seamstress, a nurse to her children and her children's children, a friend, an advice-giver, a soul-food cooking chef, a lender (*and my grandmother was not WEALTHY, but she always had a stash... so maybe she was wealthy in her own right). My grandmother was someone I aspired to be and still do. She was a loving wife, a master mother, and a strong sister. She cared for her family, friends, and even her enemies (though few). My grandmother. I cried as he cried today for his grandmother. Because I understood the love he felt for her, that love that moved him to tears even while he spoke to the adoring crowd. Those tears that trickled his face... trickled down mine as well. So I cried for him. Because I have the luxury to cry in private. I have no crowd waiting for me to speak. I have no flights scheduled for me as I journey across the states to scrounge up the last voters I can. I have no eyes upon me. I have no audience waiting for me to make a mistake. But he does. And he's still going. He's resilient. He's brave. He's educated. He's hopeful. He's proud. And he should be. He is apart of history. (Imagine that. History.)
I cried for myself because I did my part. I voted. I picked a side. I believed in the choice I made. I believe in my candidate. I'm not Republican, I'm not a Democrat. I pick who moves me, which candidate's policies I believe in... I picked. Can you say the same? I pick who I want to win and who I believe will lead America in the direction I believe America should be going. I voted. I waited my turn and was happy to wait in line. For my turn to stand at the ballot and choose for myself. I didn't want anyone choosing for me. I chose. Did you? Because I don't want to hear comments/gripes/statements of any sort from someone who disagrees with the Presidential nominee who wins and you didn't even vote. Don't attempt to vote. Don't try to get there. DO IT. Period. DO IT. I cried because I did it. And I'm so wonderfully happy that I did.
I cried for grandmothers and grandfathers who are no longer here to see this day. As powerful a time this is. I don't see how anyone cannot vote. Imagine the countries where people don't even have the option to vote. Imagine the time when WOMEN couldn't dare vote. Imagine the day... when black people gave their lives for the OPTION. Now look at today. Women and black people are voting. They are planning to vote. They are excited to wait in line for hours... all day in places... just to get the chance to vote. My grandmothers and grandfathers are not here to see this day. They have all passed and went to a better place. But imagine the look on their faces to see this day. Imagine how proud they would be to see so many people wanting to vote and waiting to vote and VOTING?!?! I cried for them because I am here and I did my part. I cried for them because
I simply miss them. And I would love to be able to come home and say "I voted Granny/Mu'deah/Grandpas." But I can't so I cried because I couldn't. I cried for grandmothers and grandfathers all over the world who are no longer here. Simply because they are still loved.
I cried for Black people... because so many of us aren't even acknowledging the history of this Election. "1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. February 26, 1869."
Think about the people who were injured or lost their lives just to add that line to the constitution (and even when it was added, there was always intimidating ways to keep black people from doing so). I cried for those of us that won't even vote... simply because "they don't want to... their vote won't matter". The single act of being able to vote is taken for granted by so many. There are people on probation wishing they could vote... and some of us don't vote still. How many celebrities will it take to say something to us? How many family members have to drag us out to get registered and pick us up to make sure our vote counts? How easy it must be to be so careless. How hard it must be to realize you mattered... too late. I just don't understand why you wouldn't want to be apart of this. Why you wouldn't want to even have a say. No matter how you voted. Why wouldn't you want to vote... SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU COULD!? Because history was built on moments like this. Because history will continue to be built on moments like this. And I don't want to be a ranting woman... but... Don't you want to be apart of what could be history? Don't you want to have a say in what happens to your life for the next 4 years? Don't you want to be apart of the continuance of history that people died for? What's wrong with people like this.
Today I cried.
"I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day the state of Alabama, whose governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, will be transformed into a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers.I have a dream today."
"And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people will get to the promised land. And I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. " - MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.
We're on our way Martin. On our way. No we are not there completely... but we are on our way. And I thank you for seeing the dream. I thank you for letting it be known that the dream would come true. I have seen it for you. I have seen it with your children. I have seen it with my parents and family. I have seen that dream come true in front of my eyes. And as the tears flow... it's not simply for tonight. My tears are for history. My tears are for dreams. My tears are for the moments that register. And if you cannot look at the history made tonight... and feel something.... then... I feel sorry for you. I wish you could feel what I feel. So much was lost for this dream, for this possibility. And if you feel nothing... I cry for you too.
I look forward to telling my children about this historic event. This event I NEVER IMAGINED WOULD HAPPEN IN MY TIME... and I am 26 yrs old!!!! I'm young. And I never thought it would happen IN MY TIME!?!? Look at the world we live in. Look at it for what it is. And recognize the history. Recognize the future that will come. Recognize... Open your eyes and see history. And be proud that you were apart of it. Be proud that you were here. Be proud that you didn't have to give up anything to see it come true while you were on this earth.
We're on our way Malcolm, on our way Rosa, on our way Medgar. We're on our way... for all who gave their life for moments like this. Our president is a black man. History. And I am utterly happy. I am truly elated. I can't stop the tears. I can't stop the emotions. And I know when he speaks... I will tremble. I will feel his words in the pit of my soul. And I am here. I never thought. I never thought. I NEVER thought. And it is here. And I respect McCain for his words, although I don't respect his audience. I respect McCain for giving a well-written speech. America is beautiful.
America is growing. America is learning. America is evolving. And I am apart of it, just like you are. And that means something to me. I cry for you... because even if you don't feel it. I do. I feel it for you. So let my tears become your own. Let my tears pour for you. Imagine them. Let them be your own. I am simply proud to be an American today. And there were moments when I thought America was beginning to fail me, still failing my people. And this. Is hope. HOPE. One simple man... created such hope... Yes we can.
If you feel nothing... It's okay. I cried for you too.
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