Dream A Big Dream

on Thursday, May 22, 2008

Martin Luther King said that he had a dream. I am sure that when he first talked about this dream or vision people couldn’t get on board with it. Take for example Joseph, in the book of Genesis. He told his dream to his brothers and they tried to kill him because of it. Why? Because his dream elevated him above them.

The vision he had was beyond their comprehension. He also couldn’t articulate clearly what he saw. He did not understand the ramifications and requirements to fulfill this dream. His brothers knew he was favored by their father and that he placed much trust in Joseph.

With this in mind, Joseph lorded over his siblings that he had a special assignment. Jealousy from others will set in when the vision is so much bigger than you are . With this in mind let us look at Dr King.

His vision was HUGE. The county was racially devided. A lot of black people were afraid of his vision because they were so used to being second class citizens. They did not want to rock the boat for they were afraid of the ramifications. Others were ready for a change by any means necessary. They understood that change was often wrought by turmoil and were willing to pay the price. White people were afraid of his vision because they felt like he elevated himself above them. How dare he try and change the status quo! They wanted blacks to stay in their place. On the other hand you had a minority of whites at that time that knew it was time for a change and they embraced the vision of Dr King.

King was killed for his dream/vision and Joseph was sold into slavery. Yet and still because the Lord had given them the mandate and the vision He brought it to past! A God given vision has no choice but to come into fruition. Remember this vision is not for you. It is for the better of a people. You are just the vehicle or facilitator.

Hold Onto Your Vision

To have a vision or dream is to have a glimpse of something that God has specifically ordained for your life that He’s predestined for you and only you. The unique thing about your vision is that YOU are the only one who can see it and understand it. Your vision breeds passion, excitement, and anticipation just like a mother who’s about to give birth to an unborn child. Though she couldn’t physically see her child for a period of time, she loved and nourished it day by day. So it is with a vision. It is a process, an appointed time.

Are you struggling with the disappointment of others being jealous, non-supportive, and ignorant of my vision. I have. People I thought would embrace what God had given me did not. As a matter of fact they were waiting for me to fail. Some have even tried to sabatoge what I have been assigned to do. However God always has a ram in the bush. He sent me others that are encouragers and others that have been very instrumental in helping to bring the vision to past.

I had to learn that it’s not about other people and what they think, but it’s all about God and His timing for the vision to come to pass. After all, it wasn’t meant for others to see and understand. In time others will get on board and run with what He has given you. That’s why God gave the vision to me and not them. Hold onto YOUR vision, your dream, your passion. Don’t let anyone take it away from you. Keep trusting God and speak whatever positive thing or things that you desire for your life into the now. Ask God for what your heart desires most. Called the things that be not as though they were. Call the uncreated into creation. Make it to be so!

Understand that things sometimes don’t happen over night and then sometimes God performs a miracle and they do. Guard your heart from bitterness and resentment. I went there and did that and it was not pleasant. If you are there, repent (turn away from those negative attitudes and behaviors) and ask God to forgive and deliver you. Stop depending on people. God has told us that if He be for us, who can be against us? You will find that in holding on to your vision, it will get lonely sometimes. Until it manifests itself, you can’t expect others to see or believe it. It’s like when a woman is pregnant. No one else in the room can have that baby but her at that moment. Your vision has to be birthed by you and only you.

Hold onto YOUR vision no matter what it looks like! Other people around you may be realizing their dreams and yours seem like it is still at the baby stage. Others are galloping ahead at full speed and you have not even gotten out of the stall. Don’t despair and don’t give up! Because it shall come to past as long as you keep moving into the things that God has for you.

Don’t be an imitator of someone else. You know what He has told YOU! Wait on it! Be in peace and know that what He has for you is for YOU!


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