We need to be cognizant of the times we are living in. Truly it is the last days.
We have heard this said from days of old and many have grown immune to the
clarion call to be aware of the times. Twice we see in scripture a story concerning the usefulness of the fig tree.
First we see Him Matthew 21:18-19
“Now in the morning, as He returned to the city, He was hungry.
And seeing a fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing
on it but leaves, and said to it, “Let no fruit grow on you ever again.”
Immediately the fig tree withered away.”
In verse 19 Jesus cursed the tree. Why would He do this? The scripture gives no explanation of this. However, it is a fact that a fig tree should have figs by the time the leaves are evident. The fig tree actually produces green figs before the leaves appear and if no figs are produced by that time, then that tree will not have any figs that year. Therefore, this fig tree was professing something that it didn't have even though it was still too early for figs.
And again in Luke 13:6-9
6 He also spoke this parable: “A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. 7 Then he said to the keeper of his vineyard, ‘Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none. Cut it down; why does it use up the ground?’ 8 But he answered and said to him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it. 9 And if it bears fruit, well. But if not, after that[a] you can cut it down.”
The fig tree represents the nation of Israel. The Lord planted the nation to bring forth the fruits of righteousness unto Him (Mt. 7:16-20), but they had been barren. The whole nation was worthy of judgment ("cut it down"--Lk. 13:7) just as we would cut down an unproductive tree and replace it with a good one. However, Jesus, who is represented by the dresser of the vineyard, interceded for the nation and gained an extension of God's mercy to see if the nation would bring forth the fruits of repentance (Mt. 3:8). They did not and therefore were "cut down" in A.D. 70 when the Roman army under Titus destroyed Jerusalem.
Let us take a lesson from the children of Israel yet once again. Note thatat the end of Luke 12, Jesus reminded his disciples to always be readyand live with a sense of urgency about his return. Jesus began the nextchapter by calling on people to repent. Now Jesus is basically reminding usthat we are on borrowed time. We need to repent now. We've beenextended a season of grace to become fruitful, so we've got to befruitful. No more playing “church”. It’s time to BE the CHURCH! No more hypocritical living. No more operating in dead works. No more religious talk without living spiritual. He said to walk in the light as He is in the light. It's time to put up or shut up! And I am talking about producing fruit unto righteousness, not unto unrighteousness.
Let us take a lesson from the children of Israel yet once again. Note thatat the end of Luke 12, Jesus reminded his disciples to always be readyand live with a sense of urgency about his return. Jesus began the nextchapter by calling on people to repent. Now Jesus is basically reminding usthat we are on borrowed time. We need to repent now. We've beenextended a season of grace to become fruitful, so we've got to befruitful. No more playing “church”. It’s time to BE the CHURCH! No more hypocritical living. No more operating in dead works. No more religious talk without living spiritual. He said to walk in the light as He is in the light. It's time to put up or shut up! And I am talking about producing fruit unto righteousness, not unto unrighteousness.
Father, Please help us to bear fruit unto righteousness. Please let it be fruit that remains. Prick our hearts by your Holy Spirit to be cognizant of the time and to live lives that are laid down for you. Let passion burn in our hearts for the things of you. Let our souls be set on fire for those that do not know you. Today let us not harden our hearts to Your voice but hearken unto your call when you say “come up hither.” We want to be sold out for you and not concerned about the trappings of this world. Help us to not procrastinate but do all for you with a sense of urgency knowing our time is short and there a more souls to be saved. This we ask in the precious name of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach. Amen
Candace House
Candace House
2007 Candace House, All Rights reserved. Email info@candacehouse.org for permission to use.
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