Here is the link to the Atlanta Journal Constitution story about Juanita Bynum being beaten by her husband on early Wednesday morning.
This is a tragic story for women everywhere that deal with domestic abuse. This not only happens in the world but it happens in the church! And it ought not to be so. At the end of this post are a few quotes, which there are hundreds out there, that shows the mindset of the church concerning this issue.
God has allowed this to be exposed because it will help to set some women who have been silent to come forth. In Ministry I have run across a lot of different folks going through the same thing Juanita Bynum has been through. It is a travesty that was allowed to stay silent.
A girl I knew 12 yrs ago was being abused in a neighboring church. The pastor was apprised of the situation and told her "what God joined together let no man put assunder." So she stayed. Within three months of her "counseling session" she was dead! Her husband killed her and then called the pastor. Oh did I mention the Pastor was his uncle and had been beating his wife for years.
Lets move forward 8 years later. Another Saint of God was separated from her husband for 7 months because he abused her, this was at another church. Of course he shot and killed her. I knew his mother very well. And the girl that was killed was a fellow church member.
These are not the only stories I know of personally that are like these. This ought not to be so!
I am soooooooooooooo sick of this! I have dealt with at least 30 abused women in the church personally! I have even written plays and skits on this issue, trying to bring awareness to what is happining behind closed doors.
I went to one pastor about a lady in our church and was told sometimes you have to turn the other cheek for the Gospel sake. Of course I lost my everloving mind! And said a whole bunch of stuff the Holy Spirit did not sanction.
I am so angry that this spirit of abuse and murder is running rampant in the church. And the saints are not doing anything about it. Speak up if you know some one is being abused. Make the Pastor do something! Make sure you make it possible for the woman to be able to talk to you about what is going on. Do not sit on the side lines saying you do not want to get involved!
I have a big mouth and I am one that is ready to fight when it comes to injustice against another.
I may be a preacher but you better believe I will go in with both fist swinging if I see a man beating up on a woman. I have done it on several occasions. Yes I will pray for you, but I will also beat you down!
I know I am ranting and raving but this has me MAD! My husband thinks I am crazy! Because I told him when we were first married if he ever laid a hand on me he had betted not go to sleep, because I would break his knee caps with a baseball bat! I meant that and still do.
Unfortunately for me I don't know how to give good advice in these kinds of situations except for them to leave and don't look back. Forgive them but keep on moving. My other advise is to break a body part while you are going out the door.
I need to stop talking because this is all about how upset I am and what I would do and it is supposed to be about Juanita Bynum. Please pray for her and pray that bishop Weeks would be caught because he is at large and pray that he gets the help he needs. Because obviously the brother has problems!
The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. But God has come to give us Abundant Life. You sure are not living the Abundant Life getting beat upside the head!
For any man that is an abuser I pray that you would wake up and get the help you nee. there is that root of bitterness operating in your life that needs to be dealt with. And for the women who are being abused I pray you place enough value on your life to get out of the situation you are in. you don't have to take that. God has come to set the captives free and to heal those that are broken hearted.
Juanita Bynum is a strong woman of Faith and Somehow God will use this to elevate her in the things of Him and to help other women become free.
By triune
Aug 23, 2007 2:52 PM
this definitely shows us (the church) that spiritual warfare is needed. we are in a war folks and we need to be battling. satan hates marriages. we need ot pray for them , and not judge them. i feel strongly in my spirit, that God is going to get the glory out of this. What the enemy meant for bad, God will use for HIS glory. i feel a lot of women (even minister wives) will come out of the closet on suffering abuse in the home secretly, for not wanting to uncover their husband/pastor. we still love you both. please don't make any sudden decisions with the emotions raging. allow God to minister to both your hearts in all this. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. this act is unacceptable , yes, but God can heal and restore and build better than ever. love, triune
By triune
Aug 23, 2007 2:52 PM
this definitely shows us (the church) that spiritual warfare is needed. we are in a war folks and we need to be battling. satan hates marriages. we need ot pray for them , and not judge them. i feel strongly in my spirit, that God is going to get the glory out of this. What the enemy meant for bad, God will use for HIS glory. i feel a lot of women (even minister wives) will come out of the closet on suffering abuse in the home secretly, for not wanting to uncover their husband/pastor. we still love you both. please don't make any sudden decisions with the emotions raging. allow God to minister to both your hearts in all this. What God has joined together, let no man put asunder. this act is unacceptable , yes, but God can heal and restore and build better than ever. love, triune
2007 Candace House, All Rights reserved. Email for permission to use.
Labels: abusive, beating, Bishop Weeks, blog, blogging, bruised, Chrisitans, Church, family, Juanita Bynum, police, spirit, spousal abuse, stress, words, writing
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