Obama's Informercial Inspired Me!

on Thursday, October 30, 2008

If you didn't get a chance to watch the Obama commercial last night
you missed a treat! I along with millions of Americans were moved with the eloquence of the speaker and the magnificence of it's production.

The show opens up with amber waves of grain, blowing in the wind, then widen to a big sky and an open prairie. Peaceful music. Waving hands. Smiling, inspired faces of average Americans citizens. Some are young, others old. Different races were represented and different regions across the states.

Obama's voice is heard saying "With each passing month, our country has faced increasingly difficult times. But everywhere I go, despite the economic crisis, the war and uncertainty about tomorrow, I still see optimism, and hope and strength."

"In six days, we can choose hope over fear and unity over division, the promise of change over the power of the status quo," Obama shouts, sounding much more fired up and ready to roll into the White House than he has in months."

"America, the time for change has come!"

He doesn't talk about McCain or Palin becuase it is not about them. What he want's you to know is that it is all about you, the people of the United Staes of America.


© Candace House 2007, All Rights reserved.

Righting the Wrong In Our Lives

on Wednesday, October 29, 2008

When you embark on a quest to right wrong in your life you discover all kinds of things that you really didn’t want to know about yourself. Self reflection is a must for it allows you to see just who you are. Most people keep extremely busy just so they can avoid having the covers pulled back from their lives.

Everyone wants to be happy, but few want to expend the energy it takes to find out why peace and happiness is not allowed to matriculate in their sphere. By learning to take responsibility for yourself and the way you think about things, you can make your life more positive and uplifting, and reduce or totally negate the influence of any hurt or negative energies you encounter.

When I began the journey of looking within a brand new world opened up to me. I discovered that I and no one else determined my world. I had the power to change my circumstance by first changing me. How did I do this? First I changed my mind about me. On my journey I discovered that I really didn’t like me! Go figure! I was a wonderful person, or so I thought that I thought that. Did you catch that? Okay guys I am laughing over here as I write this. Maybe I should have said LOL. Sidebar- for you instant messengers.

Me, not like myself? Oh Yeah! Big time! I was shocked when I traced back to when I started developing this mindset. There was a period in my life early on in my teens when I was bombarded with negativity concerning my person. Everything up until that point convinced me that I was all of that and a bag of chips. When I was blindsided with the notion that I was not good enough and did not measure up my world was knocked off its axel.

Over the course of our lives we are bombarded with negative thoughts, energies or scenarios that may come not only from within us but also from outside ourselves or from others. We are surrounded by a network of people, media businesses, governments, all telling us what has been going on, what we should buy and do, what they think is best for us, or what we should think about something. As soon as we tune into the television, radio, or open a magazine, it all jumps out at us.

The quality of our lives, goals, and the way we think about ourselves become affected by the energies surrounding us, and thus our thoughts. We need to learn how to protect ourselves from these outside influences of negative or materialistic thoughts that may come from or are caused by others.

Since we are bombarded from the time we enter this world with negative energy it a process to rid ourselves of the effects from it. Everyone knows the media will blitz you with the way you should think, feel and act according to their dictates. You will have to take a good look at your life and decide who you are as a person. Decide what you want the quality of your life to be. Otherwise you will drift along in life with some one else’s values and belief system with out ever knowing your true potential and spiritual possibilities.


© Candace House 2007, All Rights reserved.

Obama and Change We Need

I always wonder why the cares of this life weigh heavily on me. “Why do I care so much” I ask myself. “What is it to me in the grand scheme of things?” Why am I so passionate about things that others seem to let slide? Is something wrong with me?

I don’t know, but what I do know is someone has to care. If Martin Luther King Jr. didn’t care about the state of the Black man as well as that of his counterpart then we would not enjoy the freedom as a race of people we have. If Mother Theresa hadn’t cared about the orphans and those less fortunate than we are, then the world would be a much more callused place to live in. If Al Gore didn’t care so much about our earth we wouldn’t have watch dogs for climate control that have caught the attention of the whole world.

Every major change and movement that we have experienced in the earth is because of someone caring passionately about an issue. There are so many great names with so many great feats that it would take volumes of books to list them in. Every major change has been for the greater good.

Let me make something perfectly clear. I am not talking about changes that have come about because of greed, avarice and a propensity to carry out a selfish agenda. I am talking about Change that unites us for good and prosperity for all. I am talking about Change that gives us an even playing field to carry out our God given potential and purpose. Change that forces us to evaluate ourselves and come to the conclusion that yes we can be better people. Change that allows us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves as the Bible says.

We don’t live in a vacuum as much as we would like to think that we do. Everything we do and say affects someone else. What kind of Change agent are you.


© Candace House 2007, All Rights reserved.